:: Friday, January 31
back to the flames
im gonna bitch about tafe for a bit now =p i worked back late last nite, and also tonite so that i could take a 2hr, 45min lunch to enrol into jap at tafe.. i arrived about 5 mins after enrolment started with some of the anime crew, and joined an incredibly long line... 2 hours later im filing out a form, only to find out all the classes are full.. bah humbug..
also.. they have this stupid policy where they wont release the timetable before enrolement, so i had no idea if i could even attend the classes =p

- ian, 11:22 pm :: 1 comments

:: Wednesday, January 29
ian not flaming for once
i found something vaguely work related which i dont hate.. =) its called SiteMesh and is a way of templating web pages from many different sources. Basically it intercepts responses from the web server and then applies "decorators" to them. and it works like a charm, whether your pages are made from servlets, php, perl, or plain html. sweet..
previously we had been using tiles but sitemesh seems so much tidier and almost as powerful.

- ian, 3:46 pm :: 0 comments

super gem fighter
didnt do much today. cept i leeched super gem fighter rom off a share drive at work.. it was on ling's puter.. hrm =p copied it to zip disk and it took 51 mins to copy off again at my house via parallel zip drive, thru a pentium pro 200 and then over the network =p this game owns btw =) although i never can get further than 3 fights.. Chun-Li has an SD attack where she turns into a schoolgirl, then writes a love letter to her opponent who then faints .. lol

- ian, 3:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, January 28
great organisation as always
went to see the movie i-spy. but i didnt know when or where untill an hour before we went due to some incredibly indecisive organisation =p finally got there and realised thathalf of us were wearing red shoes w00t =) the movie was pretty good.. the story coudlve used a lil work, like use of characters and linking together of part was a tad poor.. but overall it was pretty funny. it rates 7/10 on the ian movie scale =)

afterwards ppl went to ct to visit liz's house or something.. but i went home cos i was lazy and needed to sleep for work..

- ian, 1:33 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, January 27
dont mug yourself
been listening to Dont Mug Yourself by The Streets. which is like rapping with an english accent =) along with watching 8mile i think ive renewed my interest in hip hop.. maybe ill start break dancing again =p

- ian, 3:40 pm :: 0 comments

its getting hot in here
mew a very warm day again.. i went back to the LAN to leech heaps of anime, jsut pluged but HD into tenny's puter and filled all my partitiions =p at one point i left my HD plugged n for 2 hours, when i came back the HD was almsot too hot to handle .. youch..

didnt do much during the day, stood outside girls clothes stores holding bags =p

went to kbbq at parra witht he anime ppl.. i walked about 3 blocks in the wrong direction down church st =p twas damn damn hot inside that place, it was like outside + bbq heat.. *pulls collar* eep.
afterwards we loitered around outside the k place next door being undecided about what we should do..
in the end we went off to bunny's place to play pool, mahjong, big2 and watch some DVDs... most of it is a blur to me =p cos i was about 80% asleep =p got home at 3am-ish.. not good =p

- ian, 3:37 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, January 26
da LAN
woke up at the LAN party and played some games and such.
im quite concerned that i may not quite be the nerd i thought i was.. i wasnt really impressed at this LAN. normaly id be all excited about a gigabit ethernet switch, and 10 to 15 puters networked to play cs. but this time around i basically sat around on various busted puters playing q3 vs bots while every1 leeched gigs of pr0n off each other, not my idea of a party really.
a couple of times i sat down at some1's puter to burn some stuff, but after browsing a lil, realised there was nothing on the LAN i really wanted to burn...

- ian, 8:49 am :: 0 comments

tell these ppl something they dont know about me
another yawn at work today. went to dinner at wagamamma for some jap food =) every1 was checking out this chick who was sitting on the next table from us. apparenttly she was hot (i didnt look =p) and guessing what nationality she was.. she was heaps of a stick, i still reakon she is from spore though.. or maybe jap ^_^.. =p
went to see 8mile afterwards.. its was actually very good, nothing to write home about, but actually was acceptable, and story was not completely predictable =p overall it gets a 7/10 on the ian movie scale. afterward we tried to go to K, but it was too busy and we didnt book =p jsut went off to the LAN party and slept over.

- ian, 8:41 am :: 0 comments

:: Friday, January 24
ian's anti-guide to java class naming conventions:

ive used two classes in the last 2 days which were obviously not thought very well thru =p

1) au.gov.rba.da.actions.DodgyProxyWorkaroundAction
dodgey.. but it was made by a guy here, so its sorta ok

2) sirrus.api.client.ShouldNotOccurError
this was made as part of an access control software API we bought for more money than ur dad makes in a year. quite amusing though =p

- ian, 12:40 pm :: 0 comments

not much goin on.. went shopping at parra with kallie and hema.. ended up sitting around in women's shoes stores as usual =p and i bought nothing.. ack

- ian, 12:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, January 23
i cant reall what i did last nite.. i think i slept.. or something. played a lot of n00b cs camping too.
ive been thinking alot about Donnie Darko lately.. not sure why, cos i didnt really think it was that great, yet i have this uncontrollable urge to watch it again.

- ian, 12:37 pm :: 0 comments

most ghey software: PVCS Dimensions from Merant
its a source control software which costs about US$1400, it is very powerful but suffers badly from one major flaw: you cannot enter 2 files with the same file name into the system!!

this is a major problem when developing web applications because they all involve a lot of common files, such as web.xml, index.jsp, struts-config.xml, application.properties, build.xml.

in other words we can only store one of our many web apps in this stupid source control. the only way to add more is to rename every file when we check it in and out. i.e. eBanking.web.xml. which most certainly teh ghey.

- ian, 12:36 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, January 22
freshly distilled tuesday was another yawn of a day at the office. got homeand watched cricket for a bit, we won of course =p nige came over with some home made vodka straight from the still.. quite nice i reakon, although not very smooth really =p apparentrly its costs about $2 per litre to make vodka.. ooh baby.. compare to ~$30 for 600mL at the bottle-o.
Later we played in a clan match vs some guys who pwned us badly.. 0-22!! eep i got a guy with a glock before getting tk'd by chito =p

- ian, 10:51 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, January 21
its just another manic monday
mew.. just watched cricket on sunday,.. did nothing much on monday, although i did some work for a change =p figure out this stupid Tiles thing then went back to using *gasp* jbuilder.. cos i couldnt crack intellij

- ian, 11:29 am :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, January 19
anime marathon day.. i made it thru about 9 out of the 15 episodes of with hunter robin.. the combination of a sleepy head and a sore neck couldnt quite handle the whole marathon =p twas ridiculously hot and humid today.. afterwards went to khanh's house to watch some DVDs.. i slept thru most of it and then went home early sunday morning

- ian, 1:58 pm :: 0 comments

it was nathan's last day at work today, so we (meaning me) pretty much bludged the whole day. went out to lunch at the hospital cafe. when down to the wooly bay hotel for some pool and drinks.. finished the day by going to waverton lawn bowls club for a few games a a few beers.

went out to manly to have dinner at a jap restaurant with some english ppl =p was a pretty good meal.. went home by ferry.

- ian, 1:56 pm :: 0 comments

eep.. a bad week.

- ian, 1:49 pm :: 0 comments

um.. same

- ian, 1:49 pm :: 0 comments

um.. cant remember what i did =p...

- ian, 1:48 pm :: 0 comments

feck.. nothing of note realy today =p

- ian, 1:48 pm :: 0 comments

:: Monday, January 13
splish splash
went to the sydney aquatic centre today.. jsut a for lil swim. it was hecka packed out, had to like line up for the spa and such. i realised that i cant really swim for crap, i get heaps tired really easily.. i also have zero tolerance for cold. i managed to catch a cold in this heated pool =p they had this river rapids thing where it drags kids in one end and thru a narrow channel, then spits them out the other side.. quite amusing =)

brr.. on the way home i went out and bought Time Crisis for PSone =)

- ian, 3:50 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, January 11
new car?
i heard today that apparently my parents bought a 1992 mazda 323.. its not out in front of my house.. so i dunno..

apparently it looks like this .. but much brighter red

- ian, 3:40 pm :: 0 comments

friday nite
had a yawn of a day at work. actualy did some work. but it was hecka boring java struts stuff.
afterwork went to bar cleveland for some $8:50 cocktails =) .. whoa i need to stop drinking =p we walked there and walked back to bacardi festival at darling harbour (to cool off =p)
ended up going to ct live.. had to line up in a hecka long line..when we got inside it was like hella sleazy, about 5 guys for every girl.. and they were all like bumping and grinding way too close for comfort =p seems RnB places have too many ppl who are there jsut to impress other ppl. also the DJ coudlnt mix to save his life, the crossfade on winamp does a better job than he did.

- ian, 3:26 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, January 10
thursday ive got .. umm.
yet another day in the public service slave trade =p
after work i met up wiht khanh.. was so nice to see her.. been missing her.
after i got home i went to liz's for a DVD nite. i only managed to stay for one movie cos i had to get home to sleep for work again =p

- ian, 4:18 pm :: 0 comments

wednesday ive got nothing to do..
um.. nothing much =p played ff8. died to fujin and rajin again =p

- ian, 4:03 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, January 8
tuesday ive got friday on my mind
second day at work.. actually did some work =p had an infamous RBA breakfast, bacon+egg on white and oJ for $1.50 =)
after work went to burwood to see the movie Treasure Planet with a bunch of the anime kids, and went to have noodle soup after that =)

- ian, 11:32 am :: 0 comments

:: Monday, January 6
first day back at work
back to the salt mines for me today. sat thru the hecka boring security videos then preddictably did hardly any work other than set up my machine and check my mail. seems that no1 disabled my account while i was gone and i had 1400 new emails, including about 300 which said "your inbox is over the size limit"

finished the day in typical RBA style.. sitting around drinking beer =p

theres been a lot of changes since i was last at the bank. heres a quick overview of what ive noticed so far..
- big ass security doors on each floor after u get out of the lifts.. although today one of the contractors here managed to get it open using a metal ruler which he slipped thru the gap in the doors, activating the motion sensor on the inside of the doors =p
- the cafeteria has moved to level 16, still almsot as cheap as ever, but now with a really sweet view of the domain and woolomooloo.
- no more squash courts. instead there is a gym on b2.

- ian, 9:39 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, January 5
sunny daze
went to strathfield park for tenny's bday. played cricket and basketball and generally ran around all day. for once i came home with my ankles mostly in tact =p (i think a i got a compliment from bunny today =) i dun get many of those =p )

afterwards we went to burwood to see The Tuxedo. it was an ok more hollywood than Jackie Chan, but still funny =)
went home after and played ff8.. finally defeated NORG

- ian, 2:10 pm :: 0 comments

big 2 yet again =p
went out to dinner at inferno with anime ppl. then back to phils place for big2 all nite =p

- ian, 2:01 pm :: 0 comments

not much happening
umm on the 2nd i think i did nothing
went shopping at parra and didnt buy anything cept a 4-way RCA cable (i onsy neede a 3-way, but a 4-way cost $9 less... hrm)

- ian, 1:56 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, January 1
merry new year!!
new years eve.. went party hopping to try and see as many ppl as possible.

started at nims for dinner. audrey, julia and tony baked a nice roast dinner =) .. with a watermelon salad O.o it was like a greek salad with chunk of watermelon.. weird but quite nice. we ran inside to watch the fireworks, only to find it got cancelled.=p ... i think i may have left my jacket behind...

next was kavitas. was nice to see some ppl who i dont often see =) khanh made toblerone ice-cream and midori illusions ice cream, soooo nice =) i made my best friend cry =( im such a jerk sometimes.. i gotta work on that

lastly went over to liz's all nite playstation/mahjong party. sat around a lot trying to stay awake =p
wext morning were all half asleep tryin to finish off extra food =p

- ian, 11:30 pm :: 0 comments

September 2002. October 2002. December 2002. January 2003. February 2003. March 2003. April 2003. May 2003. June 2003. July 2003. August 2003. September 2003. October 2003. November 2003. December 2003. January 2004. February 2004. March 2004. April 2004. May 2004. June 2004. July 2004. August 2004. September 2004. October 2004. November 2004. December 2004. January 2005. February 2005. March 2005. April 2005. May 2005. June 2005. July 2005. August 2005. September 2005. October 2005. November 2005. December 2005. January 2006. February 2006. March 2006. April 2006. May 2006. June 2006. July 2006. August 2006. September 2006. October 2006. November 2006. December 2006. January 2007. February 2007. March 2007. April 2007. May 2007. June 2007. July 2007. August 2007. October 2007. January 2008. February 2008. March 2008. April 2008. May 2008. June 2008. July 2008. September 2008. December 2008.

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