:: Monday, December 30
i went in for a medical exmaination today for work. it involved much measuring and such. at one point i was down to nothing but undies and socks.. o_0
had lunch wif khanh afterwards and went shopping for a RCA switch for my playstation. ended up doin a lot of walking and not much buying =p

- ian, 9:18 pm :: 0 comments

hanging out
went shopping with khanh today at burwood. was very nice to see her again, its been too long.

- ian, 9:17 pm :: 0 comments

memory lapse
i cant remember what i did on the 28th.. ill fill this in when i remmeber =p

ok i went shopping at chatswood with jo =) and i bought a pair of red, high top converse all stars from Glue at 40% off.. only $42.

afterwards went for dinenr at this house that thao was house sitting =) it was a heasp nice place. thao cooks a good dinner too =)
afterwards we played big2 and the spoon game for stupid dares, like eating a lemon or tabasco, or drinking heaps of water. it was a very pleasant nite =)

- ian, 9:14 pm :: 0 comments

:: Friday, December 27
tha sales..
didnt do much today at all.. hit the sales for a bit. bought a PSone light gun. then went to EB to grab a few pre-owned games at 30% off =) i got tony hawk 3 and point blank (to go with my new gun =) best toy ive bought myself in ages ..

- ian, 10:32 pm :: 0 comments

legolas the movie part 2
went to see lord of the rings part 2 today at castle hill. we drove around in circle for ages till we found a park on the otherside (the part where all the shops were closed). lucky id booked tix in advance =) we still had to line up for seats though, we were lucky to get 5 seats in a row at the back =) movie was good, nothing id wanna write home about though... all the girls (and some of the guys) came out just talkin about legolas =p

afterwards went to liz's house for some PS2 action. sorta stayed a bit long cos her mum like came out with dinner =p

i also found out that some1 somewhere is saying unpleasant things about me =( not sure who though, very concerning..

- ian, 10:31 pm :: 0 comments

meri kurisumasu
didnt do much on xmas day. sat and played ff8. i got ninja scroll on DVD, a shirt and a teach urself jap tape+book

- ian, 10:08 pm :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 24
last minute shopping
went to do some last minute xmas shopping today at Hornsby.walked around in circles alot =p
bumped into a few high school ppl.. how odd, havent seen old schools for like ever ..

i saw ff7 at EB again.. this time in an almost flawless case.. damnit!!!

- ian, 6:29 pm :: 0 comments

ice skating intentions
today i didnt do much, jsut went to nige's to pick up my phone and wallet, which i left behind =p nige locked my SIM, and i cant unlock it because i dont remember my password ack!! not sure what to do now..

afterwards we went to macquarie, intent on ice skating. int he end we were all late. and there was no session at that time anyways (cos im too stupid to check). ended up jsut going home =p

i bought ff7 second hand from EB. it was heaps thrashed up =p

- ian, 6:27 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 22
long trip home
sunday: nige drove me home from hunt's.. pretty uneventful., stopped at nige's place ont he way home for a swim, cos it was awfully warm today.. katie's dogs ate this foam rubber pool toy that was sitting around.. quite funny =p nige's pool was 31 degrees when we got in.. eep thats warm..

- ian, 8:47 pm :: 0 comments

jsut another xmas party
saturday: went to hunt's xmas party in Bonnet Bay... went there via tenny's place and Peter's of Kensington.. ended up taking about 3 hours in total =p
party was much like kallie's small and quiet but very nice. played basketball and rolled my ankle in the first 5 mins.. very bad. then played this surfing game all nite. slep over and ate stale doritos for breakfast..

- ian, 8:45 pm :: 0 comments

secret santa
mew.. went to uni to do some peer networking stuff.. quite boring la.. made me remember how sketchy the online registration system really was =p

afterwrds i went to Kallie's xmas party, it was a quiet small but very nice lil party. For Kris Kringle i got this lavendar scented candle holder thing.. so sweet =p jsut hung around at kallie's all nite after and played the harry potter computer game ..

- ian, 8:42 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 19
tagboard action
after seeing one on ararielle's blog, i decided to add a tagboard to the side of my blog. please add a tag.

other than that.. ive done nothing but play final fantasy 8.. squall's cool, even if he is a jerk =p

- ian, 3:11 pm :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 18
another multi-part day
first i went to Gordon to have lunch with my lil sis, lingy. unfortunately she forgot about lunch and had lunch before i got there.. =p ending up jsut having a sandwich and a lil chat. she had an interview of later that day, so she was all dressed up.

afterwards i went for a spot of shopping at chatswood, before heading to UTS for some basketball action. it was the old school kids again, i suck pretty bad now, missed a lot of open layups and open jump shots. also cant play defence, but i never really could =p i did manage to block 2 twice in 3 shots though =p

- ian, 3:47 pm :: 0 comments

bond, james bond
meh, went to see the new Bond movie today at chatswood =) keke i did, of course luv it =p
i had $2 coconut pearl milk tea at Easy Way opening special. also had some gelatissimo and some sushi train...

twas bitch hot today.. eep

- ian, 2:44 pm :: 0 comments

:: Sunday, December 15
the warming of the house
didnt do much today. went out to dinner with anime ppl at a japanese pancake place. the food was quite nice, although there was way too much weird "mayonese" =p also the food took ages to come out...

afterwards we cruised on back to phil's new inner city bachelor pad and proceeded to consume large amounts of alcohol and play big2 very badly =p although one game i had an almost perfect hand, with 3 of diamond, big2, and 2 poker hands =)

we basically stayed up all nite telling various stories about our lives. mostly gossipy ones and bitching about other anime ppl..

we also had a lil visit from the twins who live up the road. =)

- ian, 6:59 pm :: 0 comments

:: Saturday, December 14
attempted paper crafts
i basically spent the last 2 days making a bday card for the twins.. although i suspect they dont like my card nearly as much as i enjoyed making them. twas their 21st last nite. was a swish lil do at bar europa at railway square. some of the speeches were really touching, they have some incredible frens n family.

.. they had finger food.. one of which was rockmelon wrapped in prociutto.. someone explain that one to me =p

- ian, 12:45 pm :: 0 comments

:: Thursday, December 12
yet another day out
today i went to waverton bowls club for a xmas lunch with work. Twas good to see the gang again =) i played a few games of lawn bowls. i do kinda suck a lot, although i was playing vs old guys =p

afterwards went out to dinner with the macarthur girls.. and various related others =p we went to this place called Chilis in a place called wentworthville =p they were so dumb it hurts. we had 10 ppl in total but cos only 8 of us were there they wouldnt let us sit. when the last 2 ppl arrived, the place was full, so we left =p

ended up cruising around till we found a non-full place. twas called Spurs and it was a mexican/old west sorta steak house. had ok food. service was slow as hell though =p

- ian, 10:37 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 11
had an ok day today considering the lousy weather =)
went out to st leonards to have lunch with jenny (which id been meaning to do for a almsot a year). jsut trying to cheer each other up after respective relationship problems. had some himalayan food ..

int he afternoon i went shopping for materials to make a bday card for shelly. its a pop up card sorta i like it already. im so excited =) (i sound like bunny now =p)
i hope she likes it.

at nite it was bday dinner for khanh. twas at giovanni's. I got there just on time.. some ppl were 30mins before, and some where 90mins later than me =p

i got khanh this giant harry potter lego set .. jeje i lub it. i want it for myself =p

afterwards we went to echo point for K. twas ok. i sung badly as always =p

- ian, 11:02 am :: 0 comments

:: Tuesday, December 10
/me kills self with woe from worldspawn
eep feeling bad today =( rather in need of a hug.. feelign lonely =(

- ian, 10:34 am :: 0 comments

staggers home
i got up.. didnt sleep much. went out shopping, didnt really buy anything of note though. still fun though..

- ian, 10:33 am :: 0 comments

didnt make it home..
yet again i didnt make it all the way back to my house from the shire..

was down there for chitos 21st party, a nifty lil do. very hot, and good for a swim.afterwards went to watch the guys play indoor soccer, they won with a spectacular solo effort from gus at the end of the game to win it 2-1.

after that went went to dinner at this dodgey lil corner pizza place. quite nice still though =)

/me looked at time.. eep missed the last train =( stayed over at a house of a friend who i havent seen fer a while. watched Being John Malkovich. had a long talk with her too, didnt go that well.. still some work to there..

- ian, 10:28 am :: 0 comments

never sleep in a volvo
saturday: my neck is sore from sleeping in the back of tenny's volvo. today we went bowling and korean bbq at parra. we wanted to go to K afterwards, but the only K place in parra was closed, instead we sat in tenny's car for a few hours and talked about various innuendos.

- ian, 10:05 am :: 0 comments

the first of many late nites
anyways, did a few things recently.. friday: went to a black tie 21st with hema as a last min replacement, my first ever.. odd considering how many ive been to. was very nice. Afterwards went to sublime with some anime ppl, was all good =) cept the 5am nite ride home =p

- ian, 10:02 am :: 0 comments

:: Wednesday, December 4
long time no post..
eep i havent posted in like 2 months. i got busy for a lil while, and never got back into blogging.. but ill try and keep up to date now..

heres a quick recap of the last 2 months in point form.
  1. finished uni forever!!! (well if i pass ITPD)
  2. i had a nice bday party, quite fun and all. got a ps1 + DDR
  3. the RBA called me in to start work early, eep. I start January 6th
  4. I went away to South West Rocks for a lil holiday. got an ok tan.
  5. did the stupidest thing ive ever done =( .. more on that later..
  6. i bleached my hair a light-brown-orange sorta color... reviews havent been good =P

- ian, 5:05 pm :: 0 comments

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